Paint Finish Academy: PE, SMP, HDP, and PVDF


Full Name: Polyethylene
Key Strengths: Color Variety; Excellent performance to coast ratio.
Performance: Regular
Price: Economic

It is the most widely used plastic in the world, being made into products ranging from clear food wrap and shopping bags to detergent bottles and automobile fuel tanks.” (reference) When used in coating, it has an overall advantage in accessibility, affordability, color variety, and corrosion resistance.


Full Name: Silicone-Modified Polyester
Key Strengths: Anti-scratch; Weather resistance; Durability
Performance: High
Price: Mid

“A popular high quality resin used for metal roof coatings. SMP resins are created by blending polyester with silicone intermediates and ceramic pigments. This formulation results in a superior color and gloss retention as well as increased weather resistance when compared to poly resins.” (reference)


Full Name: High Durability Polyester
Key Strengths: UV-Ray resistance; High weather resistance; Self-cleaning; Formability
Performance: Great
Price: Mid

The molecule of the HDP material is 1000 times smaller than that of PE, giving it superior flexibility and processability. Filled with ceramic beads, it has a hard surface. With UV-Ray resistant and hydrophobic additives, HDP coating is perfect for environment with strong UV ray or heavy moisture.


Full Name: Polyvinylidene Fluoride
Key Strengths: Long service life; UV-Ray resistance; Superior Color and Gloss retention; Popular in high-end architectures
Performance: Premium
Price: More pricier

”It is the most commonly used commercial and industrial coatings on the market. PVDF is a fluoropolymer resin that is highly inert and stable, providing excellent resistance from metal weathering over time. They are widely used when a durable coating is needed on project exteriors to resist weathering, chalking, fading, and UV rays while offering exceptional protection to the substrate.” (reference)

Service life of different coatings on galvanized steel (in years)

*Please note that service life of steel sheets are mostly influenced by the substrate. Coating only plays a partial role. For example, a galvalume substrate will largely enhance the service regardless of paints.


Property Comparison


Differences between Galvanized vs. Galvalume vs. Zinc-Aluminum-Magnesium Steel


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